A Letter to the Reader
Introduction: A Letter to the Reader
We are a group of osteopathic physicians who have been collecting our thoughts and observations on osteopathy since we first began our formal medical training. We have formulated a series of opinions that we believe are commonly held but rarely discussed. Our goal with this project is to amplify the already growing conversation we hear among our peers concerning osteopathic medicine and the organization of medical education in the United States. We want to describe our experience, why it matters, and what directions we could take moving forward. This website is not meant to slander or deride osteopaths but to stimulate civil discourse and hopefully chart a course towards a more rationally organized system of medical education. This website is for all physicians in the United States: both D.O. and M.D. Our position in society obligates us toactively chart a course for our profession that is above reproach and in good order for our patients and the future physicians who follow in our steps.
We hope to publish future articles one at a time after we get them written, and we welcome feedback and discussion via Reddit, Twitter, and email. In closing, we would like to reiterate that none of our writing is with malicious intent, and we ask that readers and commenters alike maintain a polite sentiment. We have chosen to remain anonymous for many reasons, specifically for our contributors who are still early in their careers and training.
All the best,
-The Rational Osteopath
Note: none of these articles have been copy-edited, so please send us an email or tweet with suggestions on editing, i.e., things that aren’t clear or misspelled words, etc. We just ask that you don’t bombard us with anecdotal stories about times you have seen OMM work.