Useful Links

1. The Elephant in the Room: Does OMT Have Proved Benefit?

An essay published in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association that asks the simple question- Is this evidence based medicine? 

2. Science-Based Medicine: Osteopathy - What is it?

A very clear summary of the distinction between osteopathic physicians and those who practice OMM.

3. Dubious Aspects of Osteopathy

This article discusses some of the history of osteopathy and talks about the most egregious technique still taught by osteopathic medical schools- Cranial OMM. It is a little heavy handed, but the main point is very valid.

4. Quackery in Medical School: Chapman Points

A discussion of every DO’s favorite nonsense Chapmans Points.

5. Osteopathy- Rational Wiki

A succinct overview of what osteopathy is and the lack of evidence for many of the techniques.

Please send us an email or contact us via twitter/reddit to share any other resources you have found helpful!